Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tap Water

Tap Water

Tap Water ,water is the principal source of life,and we cannot live without it,because it is the most important element we have in land. We should protect rivers,lakes,mountains and all water sources that in the world exist. Drinking water is essential for us,the 65 percent of our human body is made up of this element. W e all need it for surviving. The water must pass through a purification process for us to consume it,because if we drink contamined water it could be detrimental to our health. Diseases caused by contamined water can even cause death. Authorities should give a googd treatment to the water we consume. if they don´,t do anything about it, we should select better authorities.


I am going to talk about the cult,according to Dr.Singer,is difficult to predict cult violence,but if you look informations about personalities of cult leaders is helpful in predicting the cult¨s potencial for violence.

I think more young people join cults,because they feel insecure about thier future and they feel dissatisfied with life.

 I think cult is a place where some young people feel safe and feel  someone understand them and feel so safe that often fail to see the deception.

More information about cults.

The concept of "cult" was introduced into sociological classification in 1932 by American sociologist Howard P. Becker as an expansion of German theologian Ernst Troeltsch's church-sect typology. Troeltsch's aim was to distinguish between three main types of religious behavior: churchly, sectarian and mystical. Becker created four categories out of Troeltsch's first two by splitting church into "ecclesia" and "denomination", and sect into "sect" and "cult". Like Troeltsch's "mystical religion", Becker's cults were small religious groups lacking in organization and emphasizing the private nature of personal beliefs.
Later formulations built on these characteristics while placing an additional emphasis on cults as deviant religious groups "deriving their inspiration from outside of the predominant religious culture". This is often thought to lead to a high degree of tension between the group and the more mainstream culture surrounding it, a characteristic shared with religious sects. Sociologists have said that unlike sects, which are products of religious schism and therefore maintain a continuity with traditional beliefs and practices, cults arise spontaneously around novel beliefs and practices.

Anti-cult movements and their impact

Anti-Scientology protest in Minneapolis, USA.
In the 1940s, the long held opposition by some established Christian denominations to non-Christian religions or/and supposedly heretical, or counterfeit, pseudo-Christian sects crystallized into a more organized "Christian countercult movement" in the United States. For those belonging to the movement, all religious groups claiming to be Christian, but deemed outside of Christian orthodoxy, were considered "cults".Christian cults are new religious movements which have a Christian background but are considered to be theologically deviant by members of other Christian churches.In his influential book The Kingdom of the Cults (first published in the United States in 1965) Christian scholar Walter Martin defines Christian cults as groups that follow the personal interpretation of an individual, rather than the understanding of the Bibleaccepted by mainstream Christianity. He mentions The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsChristian Science, the Jehovah's WitnessesUnitarian Universalism, and Unity as examples
This information was took from
Some Pictures about Cult leaders

Cult leaders are corrupt and dishonest.

Cult leaders are interested in rich people.

Cult leaders are expert  deceiving thier followers.

New religions are more democratic

New religions do not deceive thier followers

We all  had  fun that day. Thanks to the teacher for standing us during the summer, We learned a lot under him, And I think guys we should get the original book and continue studying on it cause It’s very interesting, It has a very large vocabulary, but over all those phrases that are so good, In order to get a very good knowledge we have to the English language we’ve to take into consideration a book like this, But I don’t want you to think that this book Is going to do the tricks no,no,no. It’s up to us. I enjoyed very much, to share with you guys in this class, I wish you the best. Always yours **Francisco Perez Dotel. **

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's  Adventures in Wonderland

 Alice! A childish story take,
And with a gentle hand
Lay it where Childhood's dreams are twined
In Memory's mystic band,
Like pilgrim's withered wreath of flowers
Pluck'd in a far-off land.
                                           Lewis Carrol

Hi, everybody ! I hope you are fine.

I'll tell you something about one of the loveliest girl, Alice, and one of the most amazing children's books: Alice's Adventures In Wonderland.

Alice's Adventures In Wonderland was written in 1865 (first English version) by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, well knonw as his pseudonym Lewis Carroll.

In this story, we met a little girl who travel through a rabbirt's burrow.
Once there, she lives weird and confusing situations since the first moment: she's swimming into her own tears, she speaks with different animals, she participates in a race where everybody won (except her), and many other uncommon experiences.

During the reading, you'll travel into a British society that is reflected in every character and Alice will know many of them. Some of them are: The White Rabbit, a mouse, the March's Hare, the hatter, the Duchess, a blue Caterpillar, etc.
There's a moment when she meets the most iconic characters in all the kingdom: The Queen of Hearts, who in Carrol's words ''had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. 'Off with his head!' she said, without even looking round.'', and loves playing croquet.

You can find some of the classical rhimes, such as: "You Are Old, Father William", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat", "The Lobster Quadrille", and many more parodies.

I recommend personally this book because it has many word's games, bizarre situations, jokes, and you can learn a bit more about grammar tricks that you haven't find out in literature.

Finally, click in the video based on this book. 
The perfomance is by Vocaloid and her friends representing a kind of staging about Alice's adventures and how she meets the other characters.
They sing in Japanese but you can read the subtitles in English/Japanese likewise.
I hope you like it.

See you next !

Feng shui

I like a sentence about Feng shui that says ´´The best thing is,you do not have to believe in Feng shui for it to work for you and the people in your general areas,and it works regardless´´.


my teacher swears by studying very hard.

The support ideas

The pollution is very dangerous for the humanity,affect the health in the people it cause different diseases.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

 THE   USE OF (so  that,  such  that) 
I hope that the teacher takes this into consideration.

1. I live so far from here the center of the city I have to catch a bus.

2. She has got so much money that she doesn't have to work.

3. The movie was so that I fell asleep.

4. It was such an interesting English class that everybody listened carefully to the teacher.

She is such a nice looking girl that all the girls in the class like her

Photos of Summer Class 2013

Feng Shui: More about unit 5

These are some of the new vocabularies from unit 5

Accessible, align, can´t hurt, clean, get into, hard-bitten, huge, in the midst, keep out, make a move, peppy, rise or fall, scare the heck out of, sharp, talk......into, work around.

Examples with some of them

1. Making mistakes scare the heck out of me. I hate that a lot.
2. Clean your bedroom my son.
3. I don´t make a move in teaching a new lesson without consulting my books and dictionary.
4. I got into baseball, as a player, when I was child.

Feng Shui: The traditional oriental way to enhance your life.

Some Feng Shui pictures

Feng Shui

Here my friend you will be able to listen to a Feng Shui Expert from Shina who provides some information about it.

In my opinion, I don´t really believe in these theories about Feng Shui. Of course, if you are a very organized person, almost everything will work perfectly for you anyway. I know that we have to read and to learn from other cultures in order to talk about it.

Enjoy it guys!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Tap Water Competition

The Water We Drink. Tap Water.

Hello people,

I am sure you know that we have to drink water everyday. The main reason we do so is because without it we would not exist. We have to be careful when we are drinking it. We have to be informed about how to protect it from danger.

In this video guys, you will be able to discover the important of the water and the minerals it should have for our bodies.

Enjoy it!

The Bold and The Bashfull

These are some of the new words we have learned from unit 3.

Reticent, phobia, merit, extroverted, aloof, handicap, condescending, adverse, etc.

These are some examples.

1. My sister is an aloof person. She hates talking to people.
2. I am an extroverted man. I like to talk to people and to help them out when they have problems.
3. Atilano is a great teacher. He works too much. His good work merits a raise.
4. His shyness was a handicap in his job.

The Bold and The Bashfull

Hi guys,
This is a video about unit 3. The Bold and the Bashful. It is all about how to overcome shyness.

Enjoy it my friends.


The shy people lose oportunities in the life,the shyness limit the people.


My dog scares the heck out of me when it jumps in the dark.
The shyness

When a person is shy has a  low -self-esteem.
Some pictures about it.
They do not like public speaking.
They spend a great deal of time alone.

They always are silent and introverted.

Cult Documentary - Evil Cult Leaders

Internet and other addictions

When people use drug change thier life and they threatening of others.

Some pictures about Internet Addictions

Some Pictures about other Addictions