Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Feng Shui

Feng shui 

Is a chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with sorrounding environment, about Feng Shui it is practiced in architecture it has a purpose to have positive influence about people, it is allso based on the existence if vital breath calle chi, the benefits abou Feng Shui are how to decorate in our houses, in offices, just to make it fell better the environment, to feel armony at home and it attracts positive energy. 

This theory is also chinese has been practicing for many years it's about the way you plan things,in your house when it comes to organize, decorate and place things at home or in the office. Chinise people they have susperstitions about about mirrors they sais that if you place a mirror in the kitchen it makes abundance so the food  would multipl, they care too much about the way that they place things at home, because it influences about the energy.
In the Feng Shui there are beliefs about what colors means and the armony of them, plants and other objects, so they are so specific about how thing should be placed. 
For example door of the kitchen should not be in front of the door fo te bathroom, the dinning room should not have windows, to illuminate the light sholud be in the middle of the table, to generate an environment of confidence. I did'nt know before about Feng Shui I was ignoring that it existed but unconsciously I have been using decorating at home and placing things this was a good lesson just for learning about something new. 

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