Friday, December 23, 2016

spiritual renewal and workplace privacy

The grammar of those units were very interesting , ones talked about count and non-count nouns , I learned two ways of using few/little and a few/a little. Few/little has negative meanings; they are similar to not much and not many.  From the other hand a few /a little are opposite they has positive meaning, they are similar to some, when it talk about a small quantity.
  Exempla:  I have few friends.
 I have a few condiments.

In unit 7 the grammar was about verbs t gerund and verbs t infinitive. Others verbs are followed by either gerund or an infinitive with not changing in meaning.

Example: verbs t gerund

Avoid, deny, mind, enjoying, etc
I avoid having bad friends.
I enjoy playing volleyball.

Verbs t infinitive

Want, need, have

She wants to buy a car.
I need to talk with you
Verbs t infinitive or gerund

Like, love, hate, stop, forget, etc.

She likes dancing.
She likes to dance.
I love to sleep.

I love sleeping.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The tipping point

The Tipping point it was the topic from unit 4 so what I've learned from this topic is  that it's when occur a change in a moment that makes an important and significant change in live or in the society, also that topic refers to a reflection's point from the effects of a project or idea are maximized by creating a significant change. Could be a topic that is spread in everywhere so I mean that is through word-of mouth.

Also it explains how minor changes in ideas and products can increase their popularity and how small adjustments in an individual environment can alterate goup's behavior.
Thins that have been said to be about to reach a tipping point incloudes society's willingness to tolerate gay marriage, technology in retail sales, and the wide spread adoption.

what spiritural renewal really is

reading some information about what spiritual renewal really is , i found a writter that really has a point about this topic, i do agree with his idea "Spiritual renewal has more to do with two things.  First, reawakened and rediscovering identity and second, a galvanized sense of mission and practice." spiritual renewal is more about knowing or rediscovering yourself ,it is about the things that can make you feel alive , about things that you can enjoy and practice without traveling millions of miles, it is not about monaterys or monks , it is about your inner person and God. 

people are looking for how to escape from a hectic life. it would be awesome if they could find peace through their hectic life,peace through the storm, meditation during the traffic jam , reading ,singing , painting, wouldnt it be great?

I renew my spirit by going to the beach, not for taking a shower , i do apreciate God creation, i can look at the sea for hours and look at myself ,incredibly  the sea, the ocean,the skyline between the sea and the sky, its imponent view , the fear it cause in me makes me realize how powerful and merciful  is our god , we deserve nothing and he gives us everything.I dont need to travel around the world to apreciate God creation and to find peace or to pray to God, i just need to know how lucky i am because i am a son of God.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The tipping Point

The tipping point is the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development. The term is said to have originated in the field of epidemiology when an infectious disease reaches a point beyond any local ability to control it from spreading more widely. A tipping point is often considered to be a turning point.

The term is now used in many fields. Journalists apply it to social phenomena, demographic data, and almost any change that is likely to lead to additional consequences. Marketers see it as a threshold that, once reached, will result in additional sales. In some usage, a tipping point is simply an addition or increment that in itself might not seem extraordinary but that unexpectedly is just the amount of additional change that will lead to a big effect.

Workplace privacy are increasing every day more , and therefore the competition becomes stronger.
The companies make a great effort to make their products and services better, for that reason their priority is the quality and the improvement of the personnel.
In the other hand , most companies have rule so strict that the work environment is unhealthy for the employee. 

Feng shui or common sense?

During my research about this interesting topic , i read some advices from some feng shui experts , some of these advices make enphasis in how clean a house should be in order to have a good energy, some of them say that you can do wathever feng shui procedure you want but if your house , apartment or office is not clean and organized , what you do will not work.

feng shui is about organizacion ,good energy ,good habits and safety.when your habitat is not clean , safe and organized you are awkward , you feel guilty and unfortable, neither you would be in your house nor invite someone to stay over , you would not rest at all.

you can create armony and safety in your life by following feng shui experts subgestions about cleaning , organizing, taking old things away, alingning, decorating your environment so you can feel much more comfortable.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Tipping Point

The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, social behavior or trend crosses the limit and spreads like wild fire on the forest....
A tipping point in this day could be the replica of the Eiffel Tower which is located in front to the flag square near to Pintura, everyone is talking about it because most of them say it was not necessary however the Eiffel Tower is great and others go there just to see it or take a picture...
I like it so much!! I hope you can visit it!!

I guess it is beautiful, isn't it?

You cannot make the world happy, there will always be those who are not.

The Bold and Bashful

First of all, let's talk about what these words mean...

Bold is a person who does not afraid about risk, a synonym to this word could be 'Brave'
Bashful is a person who always is afraid about different things, a synonym to this word 'shy'

How can you know if you have one of these personality? 
let's quickly see your personality and here is a link where you can find your personality!!

I'm a bold girl what about you?

Thursday, December 15, 2016

fend shui

Resultado de imagen para images de feng shui
According to the listening a feng shui is a sistem of arranging things around you, to create harmony and balance, and to make you feel better.
feng shui can help to decorate your house or your officce, also feng shui is popular in mainland , chine , hong kong and some one. 

Donald Trump is addicted to fen shui, he cant do anything without feng sshui.
Finally about decoration in bedroom they say that:  to use a mirror
is not good, mirrors frightend your spirit  . 

Resultado de imagen para images de feng shui
in other part of the house like dining room is a good idea. 
they said in dining room if you have two friends eating with you and you have mirror then you have more , you are not going to be alone on the table.
kirsten use feng shui in the office not at home .in the office she use the desk facing to the window with a great view and wouldnt put the back to the door.

the tipping point

                                                    The sudway in NY in 1980s.

Resultado de imagen para imagenes del subway of new york 1980

we listened one interview to Malcon Gladwell about the dramatic decline in crime in new york city. he talk about the sudway in ny in 1980s , according to him it was disorganized and messy, there were a lot of litter over there , also the crime was a big problem and was rising , criminal commited harassment , highjack, kidnap, murder and some one.

kellin believed that crime could be reduced by encouraging criminals to be more sensitive to the envioronment, removing the garbage, the police helped by arresting anyone who entered the sudway without paying.