Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Bold And The Bashful.

Agregar leyenda

People have different kind of personalities and temperament that can be such positive as negative for example timid, sociable , bashful, bold, reticent, open, inhibited, outgoing, Pollyanna,gregarious, wallflower, social butterfly and others.

Bold is a person who like to talk , is the appositive to shy. Are person who like to be sociable and needs to be in contact with other people. They like to have many friends to share and make different activities in a group. They are optimist and always are available to organize dinner and party.

Shyness is negative personalities. Shy is a person who are reticent, timid or inhibited. A person shy is more likely to be depressed and can have negative consequences . Is difficult express their opinion and feelings, they have less sex because are inhibited and reserved.

One person can have different kind of personalities , it can depends of the moments or the situation for example they are people that are not timid but when they have  to talk with strangers people they can get nervous . Other example is when they have to give speech or perform in public they get butterflies in the stomach, but I think if it pass always you may be a shy person.

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