Friday, July 13, 2012

In US cults are very popular. It should be maybe because right there people are often alone and sometimes they need to make sense to their lives so that they join to those  kind of groups. Eventhough the purpose of these cults do not be the best. There are many kind of cults each one with differents ideas and purposes; religious, politics and so on. Many of them can be inoffensive but there are a big amount which can be dangerous. Just in US it should there be more than 4000 cults with differents aims each one and they increasing through the time. Among all of this bunch of cults it due mention some of the most popular cults in US like Heaven's gate, The solar temple and Branch Davidians. These just three of the most famous cults in US like these there are a great cluster of these groups.

In my opinion many people join this sort of meeting because they are looking for fill up some existential inner empty. But most of the time they do not realize about what kind off group they are joining . I think people have to be aware about how dangerous can be some cults and protect themselves about the leaders of these groups because they are like hipnotics, they have a great talent to involve people, mainly people who have money.       

Feng Shui

It is considered as a millenary discipline which claim that if your enviroment is in order all in your  entire life it is going to work right.  Feng shui is about the way people take advantage of the differents spaces and rooms. It claims as well, that depends on the position you place your  furniture if can affect your vital energy ''qi'' and consecuently  mood in your house and your work or even your behavior. Feng shui refers mainly to fluency of the energy good or bad .The fluency of good or bad will depend on the location of the differents rooms ones has in yor house and the position of the furniture according to the elements. Of all of that will depend the fluency of good or bad energy in your enviroment  ''Qi'' .

Oldest old

In the past oldest people were considered as venerable items in many societies, which people gave them tribute. They were usually asked for their advices in the moment it had to make great desitions. And their opinions were taken in account.

Nowaday old people are like taken out of the real world. They are considered as drain of society. Even in Domincan republic old people are forgotten. Nobody look them at. They are like apart of everybody. I mean people are over 60's they begin to be taken away as if they were left, which no longer serves by the rest of the world.

I considere old people are a priceless treasure that we have to look after jealously. They are like a window to the past time. Their life's expiriences  teach us how to handle our present life.   

Tap water

This is a real problem in Dominican republic. In this country people can not even imagine just drinking a glass of water from the tap. Because it will be unfaithful for their health. In spite of that  the authorities  seem not  be aware of the problem. They do not try anything in order to solve this situation. In Dominican Republic the tap water is absolutly nopotable. Because of our population  have to buy bottled water. So we are paying twice for the water. Sometimes I think our services of the tap water is one most expensive  even  in this side of the world.

The service of water in this country is so poor and bad. I mean is because the the water treatment plants do not work properly, and as the goverment authorities do not worry about it and we, the whole population, are the main guilty because we do not complain about this problem.