Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Well regarding Tap water and Bottle Water, I think that depends of the country where you live, I believe that if I travel to New York for example, we know that they used to drinking Tap Water maybe in my case I have doubt in use Tap Water and why?, because I live in Dominican Republic and my system of water is different.

On the other hand, I guess if Dominican Republic use Tap Water will be an advantage for us and we are going to use it, let me tell you we are a poor country in some way not all people have the same facilities to get something, ¿Do you believe that those people will buy Botlled Water? no, they will use tap water because will be conditioned to use it, people be honest.

That is all,


Juan Corales

Monday, December 20, 2010


Foundation theories
The goal of feng shui as practiced today is to situate the human built environment on spots with good qi. The "perfect spot" is a location and an axis in time.
Qi (ch'i)
Qi (roughly pronounced as the sound 'chee' in English) is a movable positive or negative life force which plays an essential role in feng shui.In feng shui as in Chinese martial arts, it refers to 'energy', in the sense of 'life force' or élan vital. A traditional explanation of qi as it relates to feng shui would include the orientation of a structure, its age, and its interaction with the surrounding environment including the local microclimates, the slope of the land, vegetation, and soil quality.
The Book of Burial says that burial takes advantage of "vital qi." Wu Yuanyin(Qing dynasty) said that vital qi was "congealed qi," which is the state of qi that engenders life. The goal of feng shui is to take advantage of vital qi by appropriate siting of graves and structures.
One use for a Luopan is to detect the flow of qi.Magnetic compasses reflect local geomagnetism which includes geomagnetically induced currents caused by space weather. Professor Max Knoll suggested in a 1951 lecture that qi is a form of solar radiation. As space weather changes over time, and the quality of qi rises and falls over time,feng shui with a compass might be considered a form of divination that assesses the quality of the local environment—including the effects of space weather.
Polarity is expressed in feng shui as Yin and Yang Theory. Polarity expressed through yin and yang is similar to a magnetic dipole.That is, it is of two parts: one creating an exertion and one receiving the exertion. Yang acting and yin receiving could be considered an early understanding of chirality. The development of Yin Yang Theory and its corollary, Five Phase Theory (Five Element Theory), have also been linked with astronomical observations of sunspots.
The Five Elements or Forces (wu xing) — which, according to the Chinese, are metal, earth, fire, water, and wood — are first mentioned in Chinese literature in a chapter of the classic Book of History. They play a very important part in Chinese thought: ‘elements’ meaning generally not so much the actual substances as the forces essential to human, life. Earth is a buffer, or an equilibrium achieved when the polarities cancel each other.While the goal of Chinese medicine is to balance yin and yang in the body, the goal of feng shui has been described as aligning a city, site, building, or object with yin-yang force fields.


Service quality
Despite decentralization efforts and continued government support, quality and continuity of service are inadequate in the Dominican Republic. Water scarcity is increasing mainly due to excessive consumption in urban areas, a lack of demand management (low tariffs, low share of metering, limited environmental consciousness) and watershed degradation. Watershed degradation occurs mainly in the lower sections of most coastal basins and is a result of unplannDrinking water quality
Various factors affect the water quality in the Dominican Republic, including: poor condition of purification systems, minimal operational controls, low level of maintenance of treatment plants, and mostly intermittent systems.
38.4% of water systems have no chlorination system installed. These are mostly smaller systems in rural areas. The fact that a chlorination system exists is not a guarantee that water is actually properly disinfected.
National chlorination coverage d settlements and activities and lack of sanitation services.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Well to tell the truth I had a nice experience in this class, in spite of the begining of the semester without room.

On the other hand I wish you Merry Christmas and I hope that all your desires it make come true but, remember get a moment for God!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I don´t believe in dominican Tap Water.

I want to tell you what I think about Tap Water in our country. We all Know that we are poor in that topic. Our Tap Water is bad for health because comes directly from rivers whithout treatment. That means Tap Water comes with a lot of microbes and sicknesses. That happens because We are low in education, all in one country or society depends on "education".

Other factor that can influence in that problem is our geography location.
Why? Because We are likely to storms that comes from south of africa, coming with the illnesses that We suffer every huricaine season.

Those illnesses keep alive in our river and river dams (where come the majority of tap water that We use).

I had mentioned above that all this water is not purified, for that is bad for us.

Finally, the maximun authority, the goverment, don´t anything for combating the situation, and they are the first that should do somethin for this situation in our country.

We go back...

Monday, December 13, 2010


The Feng Shui is a updated system in which people can find help and a solution to organise their house. For instance, if you bought a new house and is big or small and you do not know how to arrange it The Feng Shui is the keys to the success.

Friday, December 10, 2010

This is a picture where you can see the colors that indentify the different situations and things acording to feng shui

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Is the art of placement, is create a harmonious atmosphere in your household.

living plants are also important for a household . not just plants but anything alive ranging from fish to animals such as birds, ferns, potted flowers and bonsai trees.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My opinion is eachone have somthing shyness. So depend of the moment, the place, the people and the situation about it.

For Example, I Feel,i am in the middle. Nothing Shy and nothing bold.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do Animals Have Distinct Personalities?
Bold and Shy Birds

Birds, such as the wild blue tit (Parus major) have distinct individual personalities, according to the findings of a group of researchers led by Dr. Piet Drent of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology. The researchers focused on a colony of great tits and discovered that these birds have differing personalities, which remain constant and consistent for years. Based on several types of experiments, the scientists were able to distinguish between three main types of bird personality, namely bold, shy and an intermediate type between the two. Bold blue tits were quick to explore trees and various newly introduced objects, and were not as riled by surprise occurrences as the shy ones, the members of which were significantly slower in all three situations. The researchers also noted that shy birds experienced more stress when handled than bold birds, while the latter were more aggressive.

In another study into the behavior of great tits, a group of scientists at the University of Glasgow discovered that the type of food the mother feeds her young greatly affects their future personality and, thus, behavior. The results revealed that by feeding their offspring a type of spider rich in an amino acid called taurine, which is also found in human breast milk, at a specific developmental stage, the mother can influence the future personality and learning ability of her young. In an experiment, a group of young birds was fed a taurine supplement to mimic a diet rich in spiders and, once grown, their behavior was compared to a group of birds that were not fed the taurine. Results showed that those who received the supplement were much bolder, as well as quicker to learn new things and better at retaining their knowledge, than the birds that did not receive the taurine supplement.

In general it was observed that the birds’ personality type also affected their survival. Bold females and shy males were found to have a better survival rate in times of low food supply, while the reverse was true when food was abundant. Intermediate birds, however, had a better chance of bearing young regardless of the level of available food. Some scientists are hopeful that studies into animal personalities may eventually reveal as yet unknown aspects of human personality, though others warn that the term itself will always mean something different when applied to humans as opposed to animals.

Taken From Internet...

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Hello everyone! In those days we have been speaking about shyness in class. I think I agree with that sometimes people think you're less smart than you are when you are shy; even in many situations, for example on TV they use shyness as a characteristic of people who want to hide something, it could be a hidden personality or something like that, the thing is: "they are shy, or want to seem a little bit stupid". But, I think something is true: that shyness keeps off people of seeing the things you can really do, and, although you think that good things you do will be recognized some day, maybe, it will come the day when you realize that people should be pushed to see the different things you are able to do, but life is too short to go through it fretting over everything!!

Friday, November 5, 2010


In humans, shyness (also called diffidence) is a social psychology term used to describe the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness experienced when a person is in proximity to, approaching, or being approached by other people, especially in new situations or with unfamiliar people. Shyness may come from genetic traits, the environment in which a person is raised and personal experiences. (Resource http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shyness).

Well, according to this argument let me tell you that I'm shy and Why? Because I had problems with my personality at school and this problem made me so much damage but nowdays I'm less than before in some situations, for instance, to talk in front of whatever people as in a meeting where I do not know people, but if I know them I need confidence to make what I need to do. I would like to be an outgoing person in spite of that is not my real personality so to tell the truth I have to find a solution to this terrible problem.

My advice is if you have this trouble visit a person who can help you,

Good look.

Monday, November 1, 2010


In my own words, when I was in class discussing this topic I thought that, Why elderly people around the world are treated as people without rights? I mean while we are still being human being they have the same rights such as, babies, tenagers, younger, adults and ancient.
The age is not the end of the world, the end of our feelings I think when a person begin become older specially ancient people they are babies, because you have to help them to walk and many things so if you know some elderly person try to give them, love respect and feel very proud because maybe you won't see that age, In my case I want.
Here Im going to let you this beautiful video....
Good bye.


Well, that is a an interesting song, in spite of that I don't know if he agrees with all the tricks that he gives in the song, however I've my different point of view about how to deal with me life. For instance in my case I can't live without a woman and why?, because I wouldn't like to live the rest of my life alone I want a family and childreen I don't know if I'm wrong but I think so.

On the other hand I agree with him in all the other cases such as "No probar Los Licores del placer" , tempation and so on. There are many things that you should avoid if you wanna be a centenarian.

Finally my advice is that every person will learn of their own experience because I believe that if you never have, problems, happines, loniless, sicknees, and so on, tell me What is the sense of life? and I know that God exist but out of him, think about it What is the sense of life? know tell me.

Edited by " Juan Corales"

Frank Sinatra, My Way, With Lyrics

Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy

How can be affected a person who is shy?

The life of person who is shy it is not easy because this person never speaks with people that doesn t know and it is very difficult to get a friend.Why people become shy? they became shy because they feel that they are inferiority to others and they have a low self-confident, sometimes they had have a bad expirience that llet a marked, as thier parents all the times were yelling and told that they didn t serve to anything. OR they don t apreciate their life . When one person is shy have a few friends and it is a person insecure. These things do that person doesn t trust in their.They are lack of love.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Happy people are characterised by high personal competence, self esteem, optimism and a sense of personal mastery and control. Life satisfaction is related to self esteem and optimism. Not surprising as optimism is a part of the self esteem construct. Happiness is related to satisfaction in all life domains. – family life, romantic relationships, friends, health, education, jobs, leisure activities, housing and transportation. Higher levels of positive affect are associated with being less self critical, setting higher goals, and more self efficacy in tasks.

Happy people have a more positive attitude toward others both those that they know and those they don’t know. Happy people judge friends, families and spouses more favourably and are less jealous of other people competing for their partners affections. Happy individuals have outgoing extroverted personalities. They are warm, gregarious, interested in new things, affiliative, lively, active and energetic. Of the personality traits affiliation (the inclination to relate to other people – warm, cheerful pleasant, sociable, understanding, contented and affectionate. In the hierarchy of needs outlined by Abraham Maslow, the need for affiliation (or “belongingness”) appears midway between the most basic physical needs and the highest-level need for self-actualisation.) had the highest correlation to happiness. In fact positive affect seems to be the glue that holds the various aspects of extroversion (ascendance, sociability, affiliation) together. Positive affect seems to be related to feeling sociable.

Extroversion and introversion are generally understood as a single continuum. So if you are high on one then you are low on the other. While extreme introverts and extroverts are a reality, most people fluctuate between the two poles throughout their lives.

Introversion is not the same as shyness. Introverts choose solitary activities over social ones by preference, whereas shy people avoid social encounters out of fear.

Extroversion is the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self. Extroverts tend to enjoy human interactions and to be sociable, enthusiastic, talkative, assertive and interested in seeking out excitement. They take pleasure in activities that involve large social gatherings, such as parties, community activities, public demonstrations, and business or political groups. Politics, teaching, sales, managing, and brokering are fields that favour extroversion. An extroverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They tend to be energised when around other people, and they are more prone to boredom when they are by themselves.

Introversion is the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one’s own mental life. Introverts tend to be more reserved, less outgoing and less assertive in social situations but are also marked by a richer inner world. They are not necessarily loners but they tend to have smaller circles of friends and are less likely to thrive on making new social contacts. They are less likely to seek stimulation from others because their own thoughts and imagination are stimulating enough. They often take pleasure in solitary activities such as reading, writing, drawing, playing musical instruments or using computers. An introvert is likely to enjoy time spent alone and find less reward in time spent with large groups of people, though they tend to enjoy interactions with close friends. They prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and like to observe situations before they participate. Introverts can be overwhelmed by too much stimulation from social gatherings and engagement. The introvert tends to think thoroughly before verbalising their thoughts.

(part of this information was taken of a virtual magazine named *sharing*)

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Two separate discussions this week got me to thinking about the nature of shyness. Shyness is a fuzzy concept. Is it a psychological disorder like a phobia? Is it physiological? Is it just an excuse not to do stuff?

Apparently, about 50% of our population is shy in one way or another.

The word “shyness” is often associated with words like, “painful, “debilitating,” “crippling,” or “paralyzing”. Yet, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, shyness is not a mental disorder, but rather, a behavior pattern characterized by inhibition in some situations.

That seems like a bit of a tame definition when I think of some of the people I’ve known who really are crippled, paralyzed and in pain over their shyness. People in their 20s and 30s for instance, who’ve never had a real relationship. Who long for intimacy, but are held back by their own excruciating shyness.

I try hard to understand when people say they’re too shy to do something, but it’s such a foreign idea to me. How can you hold yourself back from doing something you really want to do or really need to do because of some undefined timidity?
Speaking to strangers
Public speaking
Giving presentations
Chairing meetings
Performing on stage
Doing live radio interviews
Being on TV
Being interviewed for jobs
Conducting interviews
Being in large groups of people
Being naked or partially naked in front of people you don’t know well (doctor, bea
ch, 1st time with a new partner)
Asserting yourself in restaurants or shops or other public places (e.g.: sending a meal back, returning an item, asking for help)
Talking to authority figures

It’s difficult to imagine going through life trying to avoid most of these things. I’ve done them all and will probably do them again – some because I need to and some just because they’re fun. Sure, there is often nervousness associated with these things, but that’s sometimes part of the challenge or excitement of going through with it.

I don’t consider myself an extrovert. I don’t go out looking for confrontation or voraciously seek the limelight and I don’t dance naked with lampshades on my head at parties, but I can’t think of anything that any notion of shyness would prevent me doing.

If you’ve ever not done something because of shyness, it would be interesting to hear how the whole shyness process prevents a person from fulfilling a desire or task. On the other side of the coin, it would also be interesting to hear about really bold things you’ve done despite anxiety.

** This information was taken from internet written by Kennedy Musekiwa.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


ON august 05, 33 men were buried in one mine in Chile.They were there during 69 days and finally they were started to be rescued last tuesday.

Goverment did an effort to rescue them with life and all the time were worried about that.

It is very important when people work close to achive whatever we want. The goverment and rescuers worked hard to take out all of them. When the rescue began I was very nervous, and felt very happy when I saw the first miner outside. I admire as the goverment worked to achieve it. Thank God all that you did.

Things that we have to do to keep us younger

well here i have some techniques such as:

1.sanitacion, that s to say to be clean always.
2.right eating for example to eat alot of vegetales and salad, that is very important if you want to be younger, and do not eat junk food that s to say dont eat fast food, even sometime we have to eat that, but we have to try to let it.

3.Exercise for example to run every day.
4.to sleep at least 6 hours.
5. do not use any types of vices such as: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, cigarrettes etcs

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Old People Are Wonderful

Old people had devoted all their life to bring up their children and they had worked hard to get that.When they are aging they lose their capacity to remember to someone, their names, including their family. Sometimes they life with their family and they are pleased when some member of their family went to visit.

They love their grand-chidren and they enjoy playing with them. Also they know give a good advice when we need one( If they have all capacities) and grand-mothers cook delicios and excellent food, grand-mother teachs her daughter to cook giving the recipe as she can do it.
It is a shame that some people don t take care to their elderly people and they are abandoned (some of them) by their children because they don t want to against to their parents.Sometimes they are let in an institution that care of them. We can t forget all that these eagers and enthusiastis people did to us and now is times to help them, caring and giving love to aging people

Sunday, October 10, 2010

-Pastillas para no soñar-

I've never listened to that song, but now that I've just listened to it and I think it has a very interesting lyrics, but what surprised me the most was the line "If you want to be 100 years, don't live as I do".

I agree with that Joaquín Sabina has very sarcastic lyrics. I think the song gives good advices, through Sabina's way.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

JS, pills not to dream

I just think that if we care it is normal that we skip a step in the rules, is so boring always doing things well, maybe we are more likely to live if we care, but also we can die of loneliness, boredom and sadness.

Juan Luis Guerra - La Guagua (Video Oficial)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Interview to a person who was an addicted

I know a guy that was an addicted to alcohol, to gamble and to bet basseball. He began to drink alcohol, whem he began to work with his first job, as a steward of hotel. He was earnig a lot of money and he began to go out with his friends whem he was free.

His first addictions was the alcoholism, his parents told him that he was becoming an addicted to alcohol and he told thiers that it was false.For a long time he was drinking alcohol every night, them he began to gamble and to bet basseball too. When he had three addictions he began to lack to his job,( somethimes he arrived to the job with the same clothes that was wearing the day before). Most of the time he arrived late to the job.Also he had a lot of problem with his family, because he didn t wanted that they spoke about that.
One day, when he arrived to his job, his boss was waiting for him because had a supervition with all of the workers and he felt embarrassed because he didn t take a shower and had a terrible apparence bad smell.
To this day he began to let these addictions, he told me that at first was very difficult but he wanted let that and he had let. Today he has his friends and his family and he is very happy living away from the addictions.

Pills not to dream / pastillas para no soñar

I think that Juaquin Sabina with this song ( pills not to dream) wants tell us as we shoul do if we want life for a long time.

We should move away from things that can be dangerous for our life. Things as drugs, alcohol, infidely to ours couple, gambling, eat fast food etc. If we want life over 100 years we need care our choleterol, go to the gym,share with people we love, eat healthy food etc. If we wan life happy. We can enjoy without these things
I think, Juaquin S. Want to express the reality of good live and healthy.
If we live according those consolar:
¨Keep up inside of the low¨,doing excercise, having a home(not a house, rather a home, because home bring segurity), take care of velocity and contamination, withstand temptation, check with a doctor (when said ¨ watch over your cholesterol), he talk about a jealusy when say ¨doubt in marriage's bed. if we keep those things present we didn' have a problem neither with healthy nor with low nor with any body.

He finish like Salomon in the proverb vanity of vanity all is vanity

I think all of it mean that we have to do a correct things for having a long live , No what I think is correct, rather what is the best for me, not by feelings rather by conbiction.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I think that the song express what should we do if we want to have a long and healthy life. Also at the same time, is clear that with the lifestyle that actualy we lead our generation will not reach stadistically a hundred years.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Susan Boyle

on each opportunity that i can analyze this real story surprised me, this is an example of someone believing that age or econimic conditions can not achieve his or her dreams is a lie, you just have to fight. *YES YOU CAN AS SUSAN BOYLE*

Adults teaching.

I am the kind of person who think that there are jobs that adults at the age 40-60 perform better than young people; how to teach, because have a lot of experiences and knowledge that young people have not yet

My grandma

The new lesson we talked about in classes, “The Oldest Old”, brought to my mind the image of my grandmother. She’s not still a centenarian, she’s 87 years old. She doesn’t live here in D.N., but in San José de Ocoa. She is a very good person, but she mantains very outdated customs.

She’s an old women, and she thinks she doesn’t need to continue living. “She’s only an old women”, and she absolutely disagrees with the lifestyle of the new generations. She doesn’t like seeing people dancing, with short clothes, and She neither likes loud music. Every time she comes to the city, she feels anxious and she wants to leave soon. She was raised learning very religious customs, she only likes watching the mass on TV.

Anyhow, we all love her, and all of us get worried every time she gets sick. I hope my grandma can live many years more.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Story of one love on the internet"

Hi people! this is a true story, I took it from the internet and then I translated it for U.

I'm a 39 year-old woman who despite her maturity fell in love on the internet.

There was a time I was lonely and one day I entered to a website and met a mature man who changed my life in every sense. There are still people who trust in another person despite they can't look him in the eyes.

I had a good economic position, I was born in Costa Rica but lived in Mexico for 30 years, single, nice, pretty, with a high self-steem and two mexican children, so, when I met that man who used to write so beautiful things, I decided to trust in the posibility of rebuild my life by the side of a man who said he was alone and he needed me, so, our relationship became very emotive being able to listen to his voice through the phone from a country to another (he is from Costa Rica and was so curious for me meeting someone from my own country).

After eighteen years without coming back to Costa Rica, now I was before the expectancy of returning. The communication through this media became daily, and I was quite sure about what I was feeling.

My life in Mexico was very good, I had a good job wich was giving us a comfortable life to me and my children, I had two business, a car, everything anyone could ask for, I just lacked of love, but I had found it.

After 8 months we began to think about the possibility of going to live together in Costa Rica, make a living together, so I decided to sell all my possessions, my business, and had to leave my elder daughter who was about graduating, with their expenses covered by selling the car. It was all a madness, I was crazy of love and happiness.

After a month living together, the marriage promise didn't exist anymore, and he had lied about things so basic like his age -he wasn't 48 but 55 years old-, but I didn't care, we continued with that relationship apparently formal and cute, but he never took me out to anywhere, he wanted a woman to wait for him in the house while he had fun and made a "bachelor living"... this lasted almost 2 years, I say that because I'm about returning to Mexico by my daughter's side, and completely determined to raise my self esteem... the person I am.

This is something I'm not ashamed, on the contrary, my wish is everyone to know it because this media is not trustful. I came to my country (Costa Rica) with the ilusion of rebuild my life and I started a business wich because of the bureaucracy and the lack of motivation of this man could not cope. I had to spend all my money in Household expenditure, and after one year I discovered he was in chat rooms looking for different women who he used to tell lies, and a big quantity of E-mails from 20 year-old girls. I was devastated.

I will return to Mexico in December, but defeated, and with no money, and he... He continues on the internet deceiving more women. This is so sad, however, I warn people who write here because there are still honest people.

Thank you very much, hope you can publish this.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Medicine for NETAHOLICS, jejejejejeje!!!!!

What is a "netaholic"?

Internet addiction is a socio-cultural phenomenon that generated a major concern worldwide and has just reached the category of psychological problem
One of the main problems that specialists have faced is how to name this new phenomenon, which seems to be a kind of global monster that demands its own name.

Addiction "on line?," Dependence Disorder Internet?, "Disorder pathological Internet use?," Internet Addiction Syndrome?, "Sick of the Web?," Netaholics?

Within this context, we began to detect a growing concern for the increase in excess of the Internet and one of the first signs of this concern was the formation of various aid groups to control the addiction.

The American Psychiatric Association gave official recognition to the disorder, so he is currently considered as an addiction to be treated, for which it requested the collaboration of Dr. Young (Psychologist, University of Pittsburgh and founder of the Center Addiction to on-line), now considered an expert on the subject.
Post Data: Article Taken From Internet

Am I becoming a Netaholic or Do I love to Socialize?

That is a question I can't answer yet because I dont know if I am netaholic or not. I know when I take a sit in front of a computer the time goes fast. I like to be online in diferent social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Hi5, My Space, etc. It is so cool when you can talk wiht a lot of people that you know, people that you have a lot of time without see them, for example all my friends and family that I have at the United States and Europe and other towns in our country.

Something that makes me almost Netaholic is that I am very sacial and I like socialize all the time, but I think that the computer and the internet aren't going to mak unsocial because I like to talk with people face to face, I like to feel the people near me, not like on the computer.

So, when I have a Blackberry and I am chatting or checking the social networks, please don't think that I am a Netaholic, it's that I love socialize.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Today i was talking with my boyfriend and my friends about the topic that we are discussing in class, according to them i have an addiction that is to drink soda, but as the addict rarely admits it the truth i am not sure of it.

Although to be honest, sometimes also believe it, because usually i drink a soda with lunch and dinner. I work all day and during my break always need to drink soda. Three months ago my boyfriend and my colleagues have suggested that i should drink less soda.

My colleagues talked with the young man in the cafeteria that stop to sell me soda , since that they think that i drink less soda but they are wrong because now i buy it at home.

The truth is that if an addiction is something that you can not control then my addiction is drink soda.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Addiction to me it is the overuse of somsthing and the addict feels that he can t life without this.The addiction can be the consume of drugs, can be of drink alchol etc, or can be of activity ( as shoping, eat, read etc) and games.

There are a lot of people becoming an internet addicted. They are using the computer for a long time, they surf, they chat etc.They prefer be in front of thier computer that to share with thier famili or thier frieds.

I think that the main addiction in our country it is the use of drugs principle by yong people.Also there area big number of them that are spending a long time with the games and they are getting bad grates in school.
Not only young people are addict to internet also thre are adults people that all the time have fever to use the computer, they spend hours sending and writing messages.

Thanks God I don t have addiction to anything. I like my life free of things that could be dangerous to me and my body.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How are you all?? I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that I could access. I hope to be here often!! See you!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

! Addictions !

Addictions, Well at first to talk about addictions maybe in my case I will need more than 3 pages to give reasons and why addictions affect human being.

At first addictions are habits that you can't control by yourself , for example, Coffe, Chocolates, Sex, Shopping, Drugs, cigarettes and so on, however I mentioned many common of them. I ask How people starting become addicted?, What is the cause?, Is it a Fashion or really Is it a problem that involve people?, Ok people maybe starting like a hobby while the time is passing by they become to feel atraction and an emptiness in their lives as a result they don't know what is happening then the addiction catch the person.

I mean there are many reasons to people fall in this problem such as, families problems, depression, absence of money, as I told before like a hobby and so on. What can I do to cold turkey my addiction?, First recognize your addiction, help of God, and willpower.


I have a friend who is addicted to cigarettes he not to finish a cigarette when he has the other on smking, he smoke about four packs a day and a result of that he is very sick, his wife took him to the doctor and found he has a lung obstructed and the other is very inflamed, the doctor told him that if he wanted to last a year of life has to stop to smoke but he does not stop smoking and now he is between life and death.

that is a sad situation.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


when i was 13 years, i became addicted to chocolate, all that i ate was chocolate, chocolate in the morning, in the afternoon, at night or in the school, until that i disease, i was veriy sick cause the only thing that i ate was the chocolate, my mother took the desition of check me to stop with this addiction; she talked with my father and they reached an agreement for dont give me money to prevent that i buy chocolates; my friends gave me it (chocolate) in the school and i ate it at home in the night or in the bathroom but my mother found me; she talked with my sisters and with my best friend in the school, i was desperate to eat chocolate, i had to talked with my school psychologist because i had the excuse for dont do anything well (i couldn' t eat chocolate) and her recomendation was to spend my time doing other thing that made me think about it when i wasn´t doing it, to practice a sport and to try to be the best student in my classroom, to dedicate more time studying made me stop to think only in chocolate... now a days i enjoy eating me a chocolate sometimes but not like an addiction though i confess that chocolate is the only thing that helps me sleep when i am sad (ah i love my personal chocolate, all of you know him..jajaja)

the adiccion to the internet

Friday, September 17, 2010

I think is easy so biging with an addiction, but is not easy to stop it, for example peoples smoke the first day and has not ploblem to control, but when continue smoking every day, people miss cigarrette. and at the final people can't control this habit, and can't live without this.
This blog is importart for this class, I think we learn more in this form
Congratulations Teacher Atilano, really this blog is the best

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

more about addictions

the addictions

What is an addiction?

well for me an addiction is something that a person like to be doing always,tobe addict is very dangerous, because the people who are addict they want to be spending time in their vices, and that is something very bad.

Different types of addictions:

there are many types of addictions such as:

alcoholism, drugs, sex, money, games, gambling and the internet.
well i think that my vice is the internet, i always want tobe online, in the internet I do many thing, but is a good vice because I can learn more to surf in the internet, and is something very important.

Well now I m going to show you some images

about addictions, look at these: