Thursday, May 7, 2015




The water in Villa Mella  is a topic interesting because in this town we have had a lot of problems for a long time with it. Those problems vary from a place to other. For example in my neighborhood, we only have water one day a week and sometimes we pass two or three weeks without water Because the water's director didn'd open regularly . Fortunately some of us have cistern but other people don't have cistern  have to buy water very expensive. The Cabra was a man who opened the main tap regularly  then we had water of course we had to pay for it to him because it action was without authorization of the water's direction. Now we have problem because the police officer took prisoner the man and closed the mains tap and we dont have water since two week ago and we are waiting that tap direction oponed the tap and we can have water soon . Finally i want to say that the water a least in villa mella is the worse because, it has much salt and it is very contaminated. If we drink a little  i think that we will died.

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