Monday, May 11, 2015

The Oldest Old (Different Points Of View).

                                         Different Points of View

This semester I was teaching a new subject called ¨Speech for Today.¨ This is a subject where students have the oppotunity of leaning something different; here they can learn everyday English. so I take the space to teach them something they will run into when intereacting with the language outside of the school´s walls. 

I always choo a random topic in order to plan a whole clase about it. I try to find an extence vocabulary, readings, and listnings concernig the topic, so that the class may be different and fresh.

Since I´ve found the topics we have discussed in class very interesting, I´ve decided to adapt the same topics to my classes at work. The results have been amazing. 

One of he topics my studetns liked most was ¨The Oldest Old.¨ They found very interesting the fact that most of the world´s population have the same perception of old people. As the lesson states it, people think of elderly as an age of sickness,wickness, and unability to do certain things. But, this lesson showed us the opposite. This lesson showed us that elders are able to live the life they want, and to live it in a pleasent way.

This lesson really changed not only my perception, but also my studens´ perception about the elders. We learned that even though they are old we shouldn ´t  underestimate them, and give them the oppotunity of being who they want to be. 

Virginia Mateo. 

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