Thursday, April 18, 2013


No matter what your belief system, no matter what your faith, everyone can participate in and benefit from The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM. Spirituality can be many things to many people. But when we talk about it in reference to Feng Shui it has naturally to do with the balance and harmony.

It is so easy to practice and yet profoundly life-changing, something that help your to seek self-knowledge and remove any kind of negativity you may have in your mind, soul and off course in your environment.

The techniques used by the The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM are different than the traditional Feng Shui you will use in your home. However, the underlying principles are the same – they are universal, and universally effective.

The following articles help you adopt a Feng Shui way of life:

The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM
Introduction to the philosophy of The Spiritual Feng ShuiTM, how is it different from traditional Feng Shui

Feng Shui in Your Home
How can bringing Feng Shui in the home be useful for changing your life? How does Feng Shui in the home can help you to transform your life for better? How can decorating the house in accordance Feng Shui can help you have better finances, better love life and better control on your life? 

Office Feng Shui
What is Office Feng Shui? How can designing and decorating spaces in office with Feng Shui can produce a positive and productive environment? How Feng Shui can work for offices to have better prosperit?. 

Feng Shui Bedroom
Some Feng Shui tips for re decorating your bed room to bring harmony to your life. How does a Feng Shui bedroom can help you to get better finances and better love life? 

Feng Shui Bathroom
Feng Shui translates into English as "Wind and Water". What Feng Shui bathroom has to do with your wealth? Like water wealth also flows and how can Feng Shui have wealth flowing in to your house? 

Color and Feng Shui
How does color relates to yen and yen energy?. How does colors and Feng Shui help you to balance different spaces in your house? How does colors and Feng Shui help you balance energies of your dark, dreary yin home into a balanced space? 

Feng Shui Design
Feng Shui design solutions to enhance the Chi in your home. How does Feng Shui design ideas can help you to transform some neglected spaces in your house to fill with flowing Chi? How does Feng Shui interior design uses some objects that can promote the Chi (energy) to move and circulate? 

Feng Shui Tips
There can be a number of Feng Shui tips you can get on any site. The article offers the essentials one needs to know before one follows the Feng Shui tips. Exclusive Feng Shui advice for Feng Shui beginners. 

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